Thanks for requesting this awesome Pearl Jam hit. I haven’t recorded many 90’s videos so I figured I’d throw this out there!
Before I mention some notes about the song, I have to say that the guitar featured in this video is by far the best beginner guitar that I’ve played to date. It’s a Donner DST-400 and it’s going to be my practicing guitar moving forward. It has most everything that I need including the humbucker to single coil push/pull knob. That way I can get the best of both worlds. In fact, I used both settings for this video. Single coil for most of the song and I used the humbucker setting for the outro solo which I felt gave it some extra shove. The neck felt great, no rough edges on the frets, stayed in tune, action was perfect, and it was intonated. Donner definitely makes the best instrument for either players on a budget or beginners. If you are interested to know more, I have some links in the description to this awesome guitar.
When I began working on this tune, I noticed right away that I played the chorus completely wrong when I first learned this back in the late 90’s. Stone Gossard’s part has definitely been over looked and I checked his finger positioning after combing through many live videos. The reason why I hit some open strings in the second pre-chorus is because I heard that from an isolated track that I dug up. If you choose to be cleaner in your approach, go for it.
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