Hey guys. This is a song that was voted for by Patrons on my Patreon page and I want to thank you guys for your support. I think this was an excellent choice and I had loads of fun getting this one down note for note.
Just one particular note I’d like to make about the song. During the verses, I heard Clapton palm muting at different times and also switching up between using pull offs/hammer ons and picking every note. I think the goal here is to get a general idea of what he’s doing and feel it out for yourself. As opposed to memorizing exactly every spot that he’s doing this. If you miss a palm mute or hammer on here or there, no big deal. Get the riff down and have fun with it!
I really feel that this is a great tune for any aspiring blues player. What are some other essential blues tunes you’d like to see on the page?
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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Please sign up on Patreon, or if you are already a member, please login.
Please sign up on Patreon, or if you are already a member, please login.