Hey guys, this was a highly requested GN’R song and I’m happy to get this out there. When I tabbed this out, I wanted to be accurate to the point where I had all the right scale positions and whatnot. During the live video, the camera switches angles so I took my best educated guesses where he could be playing those runs on the fretboard. In the main riff of the song, I hear it differently in the studio recording. Sometimes there’s a pull off to the low E string from the 2nd fret instead of the 3rd. Some times instead of pulling off to the open E string, there’s an open A string instead. And these occur at very random points. So I decided to take the one I felt was most commonly played to make this a fairly consistent tab. For the tone, I have been using Amplitube. They have a new Tone Net feature now which allows you to download tones from various users who upload them. And for this video, I decided to give this a try. I found a really good Live in Tokyo preset that user JohanDG uploaded. Links to this are in the description. Other than that, have fun with this! If you are having trouble getting this up to speed, the YouTube speed function comes in handy really well for songs like this. Cheers!Show less
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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