Hey guys! Thanks for requesting this Motley Crue hit. This was a fun video to do because this song rocks and it gave me an opportunity to use those pyrotechnics I had tucked away for years. In this video, I am using a Donner DST-152W sent to me by Donner.
At this point, I am not surprised with how great this guitar sounded upon receiving. I have played some really good instruments made by these guys. This is a pretty tough guitar to beat for the price and it’s a steal for those on a budget or for beginners. Like the last Donner guitar that I used in the Pearl Jam alive video, it also has a single coil to humbucker push/pull knob. I used the humbucker setting for most of the song to get a heavier sound. In the bridge section, I use the single coil function which you can definitely hear in the tone.
The neck of this guitar felt smooth in the palm of my hand and the fretwork was great as well. I recommend this instrument to those interested and I have some links in the description if you would like to check that out 🙂 This song is tuned down 1 full step. I’d like to point out one thing in particular about the song. I decided not to use a talk box for all the lead work. In the studio recording, you can that Mars uses one.
But I realize most of you will probably not have one on hand and I liked what I was hearing with my guitar plugged directly into Amplitube. And you can also distinguish the notes a lot better without hearing the talk box effect which is great if you are learning this song note for note. Are there any more Motley Crue songs that you would like to see on the page? Let me know in the comments below!
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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