Hey guys. This is the first song that I’ve been able to perform in about a month. My wrist is healing and my back pain has diminished quite a bit. So I’m proud to say that I’ve come a long way and will continue on my path to better health. I want to thank you all for the positive vibes. It really means a lot. In the coming weeks we will be releasing some Jason videos and I can’t wait for you to check out more of his amazing playing.
I checked out Cobain’s fretboard positioning in some of the live videos and I got it all in there. I heard a chromatic shift and optionally, you can play the A#5 on the 6th fret E string as opposed to the 1st fret A string. If the jump feels too fast for you.
The guitar solo in this song is awesome. I feel this is an accurate representation. However I couldn’t compete with Cobain’s tone because he definitely had his Amp cranked with feedback and of course there’s only so much of that I can get with amp emulation software. Perhaps my favourite Nirvana solo.
Thanks so much for your support guys. It will take some time for me to get back in shape and get the calluses hardened on my fingertips again. What are some other Nirvana tunes worth adding to the page?
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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