Happy New Year Everyone! In this video, I am playing a Glarry guitar. They were kind to send me out a Telecaster style guitar and I felt honoured to play it for the RATM classic. I would recommend this brand for the beginner player or a musician on a budget and if you would like to check them out, I have some links in the description.
For the intro of this song, I have demonstrated using a killswitch but Tom Morello uses a toggle switch like you would see on an SG or Les Paul style guitar. You can turn down one of the pickups and switch back and forth and do it much the same way. Check out a Know Your Enemy live video to see him do this. I feel myself personally that it is easier to do this with a kill switch. There are links in my description if you would like to check out some options and decide to get one installed on your guitar.
For the effects used, I would use a harmonizer effect and whammy pedal. I used Amplitube and Logic to get this happening for the video, but if I were going to play this live, a perfect pedal to use would be the Digitech Whammy DT.
Hope you enjoy this video and learning this song. What other Rage Against the Machine songs would you like to see on this page in 2023?
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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