Tune Down 1/2 step. Hey everyone! For this video, I am using Amplitube 5 max for my guitar tone. IKMultimedia were responsive to me when I reached out and I am thrilled and honoured! This amazing tone software/app has many awesome amp and effects simulations and I look forward to continued use for upcoming videos on this page. Links to Amplitube downloads and promotions are in the description as well as Tone settings on my Patreon page.
That being said, SRV is a huge influence on my playing and I look forward to doing more of his tunes in the future. Good luck with the tune!
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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Please sign up on Patreon, or if you are already a member, please login.
Please sign up on Patreon, or if you are already a member, please login.