Hey guys. In this video, we are using the new TONEX Capture which I used to profile my Marshall JVM 210H. The kind folks at IKMultimedia were generous to send me this device to use for a tab video and I was more than thrilled. This was a cool project for myself and Jason (the guitar player in this video). The guitar tone that you are hearing is basically a digital capture of the real tone that comes from my amplifier. And after a few modifications in the Tonex software, I honestly could not hear a difference. I got that real tube amp sound even though it’s a digital recreation and I must say, I was very impressed. So the coolest thing about this is that you can download the exact sound that I modelled from my amplifier on ToneNet. What is also really cool is that I could take this sound and further edit it in Amplitube by adding pedals, cab models, mic settings, etc to the chain. These settings will be on my Patreon page in the coming days and there are links in the description to download my preset on ToneNet. We are happy to get this Christmas classic out to you and my fingers are crossed that you’ll get this one down before Santa comes down the Chimney! Are there any cool holidays classics that will fit in nicely with this page? Leave a comment below!
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Tone are available as .AT5P Amplitube files
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